Sunshower PLUS/M

Corner mounted

Improve your mobility and double your vitamin D level with an optimally fitting Sunshower for the existing bathroom. This product illuminates the 3/4 body with warming infrared and low-dose UV light.


Feel healthy and vital with Sunshower

Wellness Dagelijks Douche

Grant yourself some sunlight

Just like sunlight, the warming infrared and low-dose UV light from Sunshower® will make you feel fitter.

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Vitamined Juiste Niveau (1)

Strengthen your immune system

When your vitamin D level is normal, your immune system works more efficiently. Meaning you protect yourself better against viruses and inflammation.

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Spieren Sporter Bloedsomloop

Improve your blood circulation

Infrared heat improves your blood circulation. This way your body stimulates the supply of oxygen and the removal of waste matter.

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Surface mounted


Corner mounted

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