Treat skin conditions
UV light therapy at home helps relieve chronic skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and sun allergy.
More health benefitsProtect your skin
A guaranteed safe, low dose of UV light during your daily shower ritual. This enables you to protect your skin against the powerful summer sun.
Check your skin type
The dosage for safe UV light differs per skin type. Because of Sunshower's low and safe dosage, it is suitable for skin types 2 to 6.
Prepare for the summer sun
Everyone knows that too much sun on your skin is harmful in the long term. But we now also know that UV light causes us to produce pigment. That makes the skin thicker. This is your body's natural way of protecting itself from the strong rays of the sun and sun allergies.
By gradually exposing our skin to UV light in a safe way, you prepare yourself for the strong summer sun more effectively. Due to several natural reactions in our skin, our body creates a kind of parasol to absorb the UV light. This prevents the radiation from entering the cell and causing damage to the DNA.
Light therapy and sun allergy
UV light therapy can help with chronic skin problems such as sun allergy. Low-dose UVB light can also have a positive effect on skin conditions such as eczema, vitiligo and psoriasis. Together with our medical branch Dermasun and university hospitals, we are researching UVB light therapy at Sunshower®.
Patients treated with light therapy showed significant improvements. Our research shows that daily treatment is effective for psoriasis patients: their symptoms were reduced, their quality of life improved, the amount of steroid ointment used decreased and their vitamin D level increased.
'Showering and sunlight: that combination is just great’
'I usually have eczema spots on my face in winter. Now, thanks to the UV light from Sunshower, they disappear like snow in summer. Two birds with one stone: no more eczema and with a little bit of colour on my face, I look fresher and less tired.'
Read more about the Sunshower experiences of entrepreneur MirandaWould you like radiant skin?
Your skin - especially your face - is exposed to pollution such as exhaust fumes and / or make-up on a daily basis. It is therefore very important to clean and care for your skin, in the shower for example.
But did you know that you can cleanse your skin really deeply with the infrared light from Sunshower? The heat of the infrared rays opens the pores, enabling better and more effective deep cleansing. The result? Radiant skin.