
'Happy with myself in winter now too'

Danique (27 years old) lives with her boyfriend and works in the bathroom fittings industry. So she had known Sunshower for some time. When they had a new bathroom fitted last year, the choice was an easy one. A Sunshower was a must. They have been showering with infrared rays and UV light for a year now.


'My parents had one and they were so enthusiastic that we too agreed. Because I work long hours, hardly see daylight in winter and am therefore quite white, we bought the Sunshower for the UV light. That way I could maintain a healthy vitamin D level, and improve my resistance, which is not a luxury in times of corona, and at the same time look healthy during the dark days of winter. But once the Sunshower had been installed, I actually choose infrared more often.



The heat from the infrared is wonderful, I can still feel it while I'm drying myself. A lovely heater to start the day with, or indeed end it with. It's as if the shower flicks a switch in me. It relaxes me and I sleep well after a shower. My boyfriend has also discovered the infrared rays. He has a slipped disc and works outside a lot. Infrared helps him to warm his muscles up after a cold day outdoors.'


Improved resistance at the touch of a button

Despite the fact that Danique chooses infrared every day, she is pleased with the combi version of her Sunshower. 'Especially in the winter it is a nice idea that thanks to the UV light I still get enough vitamin D and that my resistance improves. I am not someone who takes all kinds of pills. The UV light also makes imperfections less visible and ensures that I am better prepared when I take myself and my bottle-legs into the sun, and get a better tan. Last but not least, taking a sunny shower helps me feel better about myself, not just in summer, but all year round. Isn't it incredible that you can achieve all that just by pushing a button while showering?'


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