UV light

UV light plays in important role in your bodily functions. For example, low dosed UV light offers many benefits for the immune system and pigmentation of your skin.

Infrared offers many benefits for your body. A wonderfully relaxed feeling, better circulation and pain relief.

Infrared spectrum

The infrared of Sunshower® consists of two wavelengths: the short wave (IRA) and the medium wave (IRB). IRA penetrates deep into your body and causes your body to warm up. It improves your blood circulation so that waste products are removed more easily. In this way it ensures that both muscle tension and joint pain decreases. IRB is almost completely absorbed by the upper layers of your skin, creating a warm feeling.

Types of UV light

Sunshower® UV light consists of two wavelengths, UVA and UVB. Sunshower® emits 80% UVB light and 20% UVA light. UVB light plays a major role in the production of vitamin D in the skin. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and converts the pigment that is there into a healthy, summery complexion.

Low dose

Safety comes first at Sunshower®. That’s why we work closely with medical specialists and have been researching the effects of UV light since 2007. Sunshower® always delivers a smart, safe dose of UV light during your daily shower ritual.

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Wat onze klanten zeggen

Since I have been using Sunshower's UV light, I no longer take vitamin D in the winter. Robin (49)
It is important for me to make sure I always get a good dose of vitamin D to stay healthy. Sunshower's UV light helps me do that. Nana (42)
Normally in winter I have eczema spots on my face, spots that the UV light from Sunshower makes disappear like snow in the sun. Miranda (38)
I use the infrared most. After sports, it soothes my muscles and after a night's sleep, it makes my somewhat stiff body supple again. Jesse(28)
I make sure I get enough vitamin D. Our Sunshower, which helps keep my bones strong, is a godsend. Martijn (73)
Because we now have a smaller home, there was no room for a sauna. So we decided on Sunshower, the infrared version. And to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way. Liesbeth (67)
Especially in the winter, it is nice to know that, thanks to the UV light, I can still get enough vitamin D and improve my resistance. Danique (27)

Discover the benefits of Sunshower for yourself

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