
Relaxation exercise in the shower

For many, a lovely shower is a time to wash away stress and worries. These shower tips will ensure you step out of the shower completely relaxed. Combine the infrared and UV functions with relaxation exercises.


Taking a shower is taking a moment for yourself. The combination of warm water and the infrared light from Sunshower® relaxes your muscles and joints. To enhance this relaxing effect, you could listen to some soothing music and burn a scented candle. Is it already dark when you get into the shower? Then light candles instead of switching bright electric light on. You can intensify this moment of me-time by pampering your body and face with a scrub and a scented shower cream.

3, 2, 1, 0

Is something troubling you? Are you worried about something? Then let the shower work for you. Think about whatever is bothering you. Then consciously consider one specific thing. What does this thought do to you? What emotions does it evoke? Count back from 3 to 0 and at 0 let your thought and emotion wash away with the shower water. You must feel a little lighter now.


Facial massage

The water jets give you a gentle massage. Do an extra relaxation exercise during this facial massage.
- With your fingertips, firmly stroke your eyebrows and then from your forehead all the way to the back of your head. Do this a few times.
- Then gently rub your fingertips up and down on both sides of the bridge of your nose, to the outer corners of your eyes and back again.


Relaxation exercise for your neck and head

Tension often builds up in your neck and head without you noticing. Try this relaxation exercise in the shower for a few minutes (great with the infrared function on!). You'll find it pleasantly relaxing.

  1. Put one hand on your neck, with your little finger against your skull edge, and your other hand on your forehead.
  2. Now try to gently lift your head away from your neck with both hands. Do you notice that the tension in your neck muscles easing a little?
  3. Close your eyes, breathe in and out slowly and listen to the sound of the water

After a few minutes you will slowly let go.


Relaxing shower experience

After this relaxation exercise, prolong that relaxed feeling by very consciously massaging your skin with a moisturising cream or oil after showering, for example. Put your bathrobe on, lie down in bed or on the couch and read a book or magazine or watch a film. Or pamper yourself with a face mask. Make this extensive and relaxing shower experience a habit; put it in your diary in two weeks' time!


Complete your shower experience with the infrared function of Sunshower®. Do the test here to find out which Sunshower® suits you best.


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