UV light plays in important role in your bodily functions. For example, low dosed UV light offers many benefits for the immune system and pigmentation of your skin.
Infrared offers many benefits for your body. A wonderfully relaxed feeling, better circulation and pain relief.
Improved blood circulation
Infra-red emits heat, it ensures better bloodcirculation.
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Pain relief
This then stimulates the supply of oxygen and increases the disposal of waste products and reduces your muscle tension.
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Summarised: an improved mobility
The result: less muscle and joint pain, faster muscle recovery after excercise, reduced back and neck pain and positive effects on rheumatism.
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Pleasant heat for your body
Because your body absorbs infrared, you enjoy pleasant heat and your muscles and joints can relax better. Moreover, infrared also stimulates your sleep. So that you get up feeling rested every day.
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Deep cleanse with infrared
The heat of infrared makes pores dilate. This ensures better and more effective deep cleansing of the skin. The result is radiant skin.
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Infrared spectrum
The infrared of Sunshower® consists of two wavelengths: the short wave (IRA) and the medium wave (IRB). IRA penetrates deep into your body and causes your body to warm up. It improves your blood circulation so that waste products are removed more easily. In this way it ensures that both muscle tension and joint pain decreases. IRB is almost completely absorbed by the upper layers of your skin, creating a warm feeling.
The right vitamin D level all year round
Vitamin D is derived 20% from food and 80% from UVB light. Whether you get enough vitamin D is therefore mainly determined by the amount of sunlight at your disposal. Because of the position of the sun, it is not possible to get enough vitamin D in the Netherlands for half of the year. Scientific research has shown that with Sunshower® you can maintain your vitamin D level throughout the year.
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Improve your immune system
Vitamin D plays a central role in regulating your immune system because it helps to activate and suppress your immune cells. By preventing vitamin D deficiency you can arm yourself against respiratory tract infections, flu and colds.
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Stronger bones and teeth
Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and ensures stronger bones and teeth.
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Development and maintenance of your muscles
Vitamin D improves the movement of your muscle fibres, which in turn causes muscle contraction. The result: improved muscle strength, fewer injuries, better athletic performance and less risk of falls for the elderly.
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UV light and its positive effect on your hormones
UV light has a positive effect on the production of the happiness hormone endorphin. This makes you experience less stress and you feel fitter and more vital. It has also been shown that sunlight provides a better day and night rhythm. (Recent research: Sunshower® / Vattenfall 2019)
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Well-prepared for the summer sun and a healthy complexion
A structural low dose of UVB light ensures the production of pigment and makes the skin thicker. By preparing the skin in this way you protect yourself from the summer sun.
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UVB light therapy for chronic skin conditions
Light therapy using low-dose UVB light can have a positive effect on skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, sun allergy and vitiligo. Our subsidiary Dermasun Medical offers this form of daily light therapy at home under medical supervision.
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Types of UV light
Sunshower® UV light consists of two wavelengths, UVA and UVB. Sunshower® emits 80% UVB light and 20% UVA light. UVB light plays a major role in the production of vitamin D in the skin. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and converts the pigment that is there into a healthy, summery complexion.
Low dose
Safety comes first at Sunshower®. That’s why we work closely with medical specialists and have been researching the effects of UV light since 2007. Sunshower® always delivers a smart, safe dose of UV light during your daily shower ritual.