Light gives energy

Light affects your health and vitality significantly. You've probably noticed: you can handle more and feel happier in summer. In winter you may feel down more often or suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or 'winter depression'. Light gives you energy and can relieve your complaints.

Hormonen Zonlicht

Grant yourself some sunlight

Just like sunlight, the warming infrared and low-dose UV light from Sunshower® will make you feel fitter.

More health benefits
Hormonen Mentaal Positief

Relieve winter depression

Your daily shower ritual supplemented with low-dose UV light helps boost your mental well-being. It can relieve or even prevent (winter) depression.

Hormonen Zon Maan

Increase your energy level

Low-dose UV light from Sunshower® has a positive effect on your well-being, energy level and sleep rhythm.


More rhythm with light

Recent research by Sunshower® / Vattenfal shows that sunlight improves your circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle. Improve your biological clock using the right light.

For example, infrared improves your sleep, so that you wake up more rested the next day. UV light also has a positive effect on the production of happiness hormones, endorphins. This reduces stress and strengthens vitality and makes you feel fitter.


Relieve your winter depression

In autumn, our body responds to the reduction in hours and amount of sunlight in the autumn by producing the hormone melatonin. This affects your biological clock, your sleep and sometimes also your mood.

Light therapy can relieve your symptoms of winter depression. Using the UV function, in particular, can help boost energy and vitality

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Winter dip

'I prevent SAD with Sunshower®'

'I am not unfamiliar with SAD. The darker it gets outside, the gloomier my mind gets. Sunshower® is a blessing for me, because it relieves the worst of the symptoms and I am a lot more energetic.'

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