Immune system

Boost your immune system

Vitamin D plays a central role in regulating your immune system because it helps activate and suppress your immune cells. So give your immune system a daily boost. With the production of vitamin D "under the Sunshower" you can strengthen your immune system.


In recent years, more and more research has been conducted into the influence of vitamin D on the immune system. The reason for all these studies is that influenza hardly occurs in the summer. During the summer months your skin gets enough sunlight to produce vitamin D. In the winter however, due to the position of the sun in relation to the earth, the UVB rays do not reach our planet. So we cannot produce vitamin D in winter and our vitamin D level drops (considerably), which weakens our immune system. That is why 'flu epidemics are more common in winter. Both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, that winter influenza peak is reached during the annual low of our vitamin D levels.

Strengthen your immune system

A global cooperative study, comprising 25 studies with a total of 11,000 participants, has shown that a low daily dose of vitamin D helps protect the body against virus-induced acute respiratory infections. Without enough vitamin D, the body can have a severe response to a virus.

To protect us, the immune system suppresses the virus while initiating an intense inflammatory response. During this response, more and more immune cells are triggered to go to the inflammation, causing the immune system to overreact and attack the body. In her research study, published International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Beata Gruber-Bzura explains a clear link between vitamin D and our immune system.


Fewer hours of sunshine, more autoimmune diseases

The article Nieuw licht op Vitamine D ('A New Light on Vitamin D’) in the Dutch Journal of Medicine also shows that several autoimmune diseases occur more often at a higher latitude, the area of the planet where there are fewer hours of sunshine. ´Epidemiological and case-control studies show that good vitamin D status reduces the risk of various autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus type 1, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus', the authors say.


Vitamin D helps your immune system

Good to know that we can boost our immune system. When a healthy vitamin D level is maintained, the immune system works more efficiently and suppresses both viruses and related inflammatory processes. The optimal vitamin D level is examined critically, both nationally and internationally. The Dutch Health Council currently recommends a general lower limits for 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 30 nmol/l for women ≥ 50 years and 50 nmol/l for men ≥ 70 years.

In accordance with proposed European policy, Dutch laboratories generally maintain 50 nmol / l 25-hydroxyvitamin D as minimum for all seasons and ages.

In short, by combating a vitamin D deficiency you can protect yourself against respiratory infections, flu and colds and improve your immune system.


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