Vitamin D

How to make sure you get enough vitamin D

What are sources of vitamin D and what does vitamin D do for your health? Should I take a vitamin D supplement or could the UV light from Sunshower help me get enough vitamin D? This article answers the most frequently asked questions about getting enough vitamin D and avoiding a deficiency.


What are sources of vitamin D?

You get 20% vitamin D from food and 80% from UVB light. You make vitamin D for the most part yourself with the help of sunlight, especially the UVB rays. Only 5% of sunlight is UVB. Sunbathing in the winter sun is especially pleasant, but does not benefit the production of vitamin D because in the countries between the poles and the tropics there is hardly any UVB in the sunlight during the winter period. And it is the skin that enables you to produce vitamin D.

Bathing in the light of Sunshower while showering allows a much greater skin surface to absorb UV light. The low-dose UV light from Sunshower consists of two wavelengths: UVB (80%) and UVA (20%). As we have already stated, UVB light plays a major role in the production of Vitamin D in the skin. UVA light penetrates deeper into the skin and into the pigment.

Vitamin D is also found in such foods as fatty fish, fish oil, beef, cheese and eggs. In the Netherlands, vitamin D is sometimes also added to margarine or table margarine and some cooking and cooking oils.


What does vitamin D do?

A global cooperative study, comprising 25 studies with a total of 11,000 participants, has shown that a low daily dose of vitamin D helps protect the body against virus-induced acute respiratory infections. A healthy immune system suppresses the virus while initiating an intense inflammatory response. During this response, more and more immune cells are triggered to go to the inflammation. If your vitamin D level is normal, the immune system works more efficiently and suppresses both the virus and the inflammatory process.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in the absorption of calcium, phosphate and magnesium, it is the key to the DNA in the cell nucleus (protein synthesis) and is necessary for the maturation of cells. There is evidence of a causal relationship between muscle weakness and the functioning of the immune system


When do you have a vitamin D deficiency?

Studies have shown a large part of the population to be vitamin D deficient. This certainly applies to the Northern European countries. At the end of winter, an average of 60-70% of the population has a vitamin D deficiency. In the Netherlands, for example, the UV index is between 0-3 for six months of the year. When the index is that low, it is impossible to produce your own vitamin D. The target value for 25-hydroxy vitamin D is between 50 and 150 nmol/L.


Should I take a vitamin D supplement?

The Thuisarts of the Dutch College of General Practitioners advises that the following people to take a vitamin D supplement:

  • If you can't manage to be outside for a while between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • If you have dark skin
  • If you have fair skin and you are a woman over 50 years old
  • If you have fair skin and you are a man over 70 years old
  • If you always wear a veil or burka outside
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and / or do not go outside enough
  • If you have the skin disease vitiligo
  • Children up to the age of four. - Dark-skinned children of all ages.


How to make sure you get enough vitamin D

  • Go outside for half an hour every day between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Even when it is cloudy. Sunlight will then shine on your face and hands.
  • Make sure you also eat products containing vitamin D. 
  • You can take a vitamin D supplement. These are available from a chemist or pharmacy
  • Use the UV function of the Sunshower 5 times a week for 6 minutes or at least 30 minutes a week.


Does the Sunshower help in that respect?

Scientific research has shown that you can maintain a healthy vitamin D level all year round with Sunshower. This research also shows that you can develop an effective immune system by taking a low, extra dose of vitamin D daily or weekly. With Sunshower's low-dose UV light, your skin produces enough vitamin D to keep the immune system strong and efficient. This is especially important in winter. A five-minute session six times a week will enable you to double your vitamin D level in the winter months.

We study the effects of UV light together with medical specialists. Our research shows that regular short use of Sunshower doubles vitamin D levels.


How can I use Sunshower to maintain my vitamin D levels?

We recommend using the UV function for 6 minutes, 5 times a week. This dose is both safe and sufficient to significantly build up vitamin D.

  • Use the UV function for a maximum of 3 minutes the first day, and then not at all the next day
  • Use the UV function the second time for a maximum of 4 minutes, and then not at all the next day
  • You can then use the UV function for 6 minutes 5 times a week
  • Once your skin has become accustomed to Sunshower®, you can use the function for 10 minutes every day. You can double your vitamin D level in just 30 minutes a week.


Discover the positive effects of sunlight in the shower. Make an appointment with the dealer.


Did you know that UV light also supports your immune system



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